I went to Michael's looking for card stock for a class on embroidered cards.. and the pet shop next door was having a vet clinic today, so since both Sam and Boris need rabies shots, I went home and got shot records and Boris, (Sam was already in the car..).................
Boris got all sorts of attention. Nobody had ever seen a cat on a leash.. they thought he was a "love bug" (maybe we should have named him Herbie?) But Sam.. nearly bit me and the vet and we had to muzzle him for his second shot.. I was down on the floor holding him down, and the vet was trying to sneak up on him from behind.. it was nearly hilarious if I weren't worried about him getting loose and biting someone..
It really was pretty funny except for when he had to have the muzzle on and you should have seen the vet, on the floor with me, trying to sneak up on the dog with the syringe while trying to reassure him.. Sam knew darn well he had another shot coming, lol.. and meanwhile the cat is sitting in the shopping cart eyeing the mice in the cage nearby.... then when we left the store, Sam is pulling the cart like a sled dog, and Boris is riding in it.. so we get out to the car and I go to put the dog in the car first... Boris leaps over both of us to get into the car, pushing off from the shopping cart........ and off it goes, sailing across the parking lot with the shot records and my purse in it.. and a car is coming.. and I'm trying to get the dog and cat into the car so I can close the door.. and the dog is hung up on the seat, cos his leash nearly got caught in the cart as it rolled away.. Luckily the lady in the car narrowly missed the careening cart, and I was able to dash across the parking lot and catch the cart before it ended up rolling down into the highway....... sigh.. all the way home the cat jumping from back seat to front, looking out every window and meowing.. (he used to LOVE going for a ride but that was with DS..) he keeps wrapping the dog in his leash.. then he lands claws first on my leg at a traffic light.. yikes.. people looking at us like we are the guy who ran down Stephen King a few years ago..... eek.. Then Boris decided to jump on me halfway home.. claws and all.. nearly ended up in the ditch. I had to hold him on my lap and pet him with one hand while I drove with the other.. good thing Sam was calm by then.. and it's also a good thing that the rabies shot for cats is good for one year !! Sam doesn't need another for 3 yrs..
Usually I have someone go with me when I take the cats to the vet.. wonder why, lol !!
My life is anything but boring, hehehehe
Last night I decided since yesterday had been such a nice dry day, I'd put the glaze on the porch walls. I left the light on to help the paint dry. DS walks in this morning and says, "so, what's the idea of gluing bugs all over the wall ?"..................................... It's unreal. and when I tried brushing them off, the dog and cat fur already on the brush adds itself to the wall........ so I take a dry cloth. and it spreads the moth wings across the wall.. so I wet the cloth.. and it takes off all the glaze.. and then I see that every bit of ceiling space near the light also is covered with dead bugs... Told ya.. never a dull moment..
That realy brought a smile, no, come on a rolled bout laughing.
Thanks for the giggle, and I must say that quilt is looking good.
I am going to put this one on my list of must reads
thank you!! I finally got the bugs washed off the wall, and the cat is happy to be home.. the dog is still psychotic, though.. ggg
You made me laugh out loud at the part where your shopping cart with the purse shot out across the parking lot! I'm glad that's over for a year! :-)
Oh you had me in stitches. I could just visualise it all! You are a hoot! Good tip about night time painting. I must remember that with the spare room. No windows left open!
I'm still giggling!
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